Mac Global was founded in 2014 in Shanghai Free Trade Zone in order to be a leader in quality, expert and innovation in the foreign trade sector. Our company with professional principles, has import – export license certified by Chinese government and CIS certified custom regulation database. Our company who has continued to export and import from China to Europe and The United States of America, defines costumers and suppliers as business partners instead of describing as customers and suppliers. Since its establishment, our company specializes in food, textile and electronic products and the sectors which these products are connected. Also, with the principle of continuous learning and growth, our company provides specialization and knowledge in different sectors according to the needs and demands of our collaborators.
Our company provides trading solution with high quality, fast and professional understanding by correctly defining all the needs of our business partners. With this understanding, we aim to grow and develop together with our business partners.
Mac Global who has been specialized in procurement, product development and logistic services, it is supporting companies to enter China market or sell their products through our sales department. Therefore, in order to respond the intensive import and export demands between China and Turkey with high level of quality, our company established Mac Global -Turkey Company in 2018.
Our company works with top inspection and quality standard firms to provide optimum quality. The international and local teams are composed of highly qualify professionals and experts to help minimize your company’s risks with performing, quality control and factory audit.
In accordance with the vision which is determined by Mac Global, it continues its path with increasing motivation, professionalism, speed and innovation by the principle of safe trading on the international platform.